From Idea to Authority

By DIxie Carlton

Before you even START to write your FIRST book...Read this one!

Whether you’ve already started to write, are still thinking about writing, have written already, or are anywhere on the road to publishing a non-fiction book, this book will guide you through the process. From starting, finishing and polishing your manuscript, to understanding the self publishing vs traditional publishing models and then handling your marketing and distribution challenges you'll find out how to AVOID Expensive learning curves and traps for new authors!

With the experience of publishing, marketing, and distributing dozens of non-fiction books in the last 10 years, Dixie Maria Carlton openly shares all that she’s learned about the process of going from Idea to Author-ity that will save any author time, significant money, and frustration when faced with “I wrote a book – now what?”

Having helped more than 50 authors, to write/publish/market/distribute and get leverage on their books, Dixie knows what it takes to get from just having a 'gem of an idea' all the way through to actually earning an income from writing books and using them as a paid expert or thought leader. A strong background in promotional marketing, social media, and being entrenched in the global professional speaking industry for many years, Dixie and knows how it all fits together too.


1: Planning and Writing Your Manuscript
2: Finishing the First Draft
3: Pre-Press and Production
4: Book Design
5: How to Get and Use Great Reviews
^: Printing Options
7: The Publishing Industry
8: Publicity
9: Distribution
10: Talk It Up
11: Online Marketing Options
12: Using Social Media to Promote Your Book
13: Get Ready to Sign Copies
Bonus Chapter - WORDPRESS for Authors

This book also includes a simple template for helping you plan and layout your book so that writing it is easier than you ever imagined, ensuring it has excellent (reading) flow.
