Derek R. King

ALLi Author Member

Location: United Kingdom (the)

Genres: Mind Body Spirit, Self-Help/Personal Development, Fantasy/SciFi/Speculative, General Nonfiction, Biography, Philosophy, Other Poetry, Short/Flash Fiction Collection, Nature/Science, Children's general

Skills: Writing Workshop, Reading/Literary Event, Press/Media Interview

Derek R. King is a multi-genre, award-winning poet and author, as well as a photographer and a musician.

He lives in Scotland with his wife, Julie L. Kusma, where they enjoy the great outdoors, long walks in the hills, going to seaside, art, and taking pictures for some of their books.

Derek R. King's books

The Life and Times of Clyde Kennard

In 1955, Clyde Kennard, a decorated army veteran, was forced to cut short the final year of his studies at the University of Chicago and return home to Mississippi due to family circumstances, where Kennard made the decision to complete his education. Yet still on the eve of the civil rights movement in America, Kennard’s decision would be one of the first serious attempts to integrate any public school at the college level in the state. The Life and Times of Clyde Kennard tells the true story of Kennard’s efforts to complete his further education at Mississippi Southern College (now the University of Southern Mississippi) against the backdrop of the institutionalized social order of the times and the prevailing winds of change attempting to blow that social order away. As Meredith’s admission to "Ole Miss" became more widely known at the time, Kennard became the forgotten man. Author Derek R. King shares his extensive research into Kennard’s life, and touches on key events that shaped those times.

Editorial Review

Noir (Or, When the Night Comes)

Tick. Tock.


Can you hear that?

That’s the sound of the clocks getting ready to fall back. The nights stretch longer as the days shrink shorter. Creatures of the night come out to play; to fill autumn’s twilights and winter’s chills.

And at the edge of this mist infused scene, Derek R King stands and drinks in this dream. Muse by his side (or is she within), her whispered breath caresses his ears, as she drapes him in words:
“Let the poetry begin.”

Editorial Review :

Natyre Boy

From icy winter’s
chilling winds to
the warmth of
summer's mellow breeze
the natural world can
in time, heal all
it sees.
Majestic and inspiring
with colours that astound
take heed of these moments
and the beauty all around.

Editorial Review :

Honey : Words to Heal & Mend

A collection of art inspired by Kintsugi and Wabi-Sabi coupled with honey words to heal and mend by author-poets, Julie L. Kusma and Derek R. King. The complete poem, 'Kintsugi' by Derek R. King can be read at julie-kusma dot com.

This book carries the reader along on an uplifting soothing spiritual and motivational journey of healing and cleansing when the world acts as a siphon extracting joy and harmony from our mind, body, and soul.

When you seek peace, you will find it when you gently turn the pages of Honey; Words to Heal & Mend. This book guides you through a realm of sweet, flowing poetry. The words in this book are like the nectar of the Greek Gods of Love; Eros and Aphrodite.

Grab your favorite beverage, turn on some meditative music, and bask in the delights of poetic prose. You’ll be transported into the arms of Love, healing, and peace—no longer broken, scarred, and alone, if only for a moment in time.
We are the “perfectly imperfect” and looking for the “magic which binds us together.”

"This coffee table book is a magnificent collaboration of artwork and poetry, a treasure trove of creativity, and an infusion of love’s illumination. Each page drips with healing golden pools of restorative emotions and uplifting chanson of harmonic beauty, transcending and unifying the fragments within. We all need this inspirational sparkle in our lives.

A truly magnificent gift by Derek R. King & Julie L. Kusma. Do your soul a favor, and reward yourself with some Honey: Words to Heal & Mend. An exquisite coffee table book that adorns any room as well as the spirit.”

Blessings of Joy,
Lali A. Love


I feel as though I floated through a spiritual journey of healing in this masterpiece by Derek King and Julie Kusma. Their “Honey Words” are a golden milky way to the soul.

Jill Yoder, Editor

Editorial Review :

Our Christmas: Traditions, Memories, & More

The Holiday season is always the perfect time to share recipes, craft ideas, and words of love and enrichment. Every family enjoys the passing down of traditions and keepsakes.

If you are looking for a book to share with your family, Our Christmas is the perfect book for the job. So open up the cover and explore the magic that springs forth from the pages.

Each page takes you on a heartwarming journey of two people nuzzling into their past to share with you the people and things that made their Christmas special. You’ll find yourself doing the same as you begin to cozy up with your own traditions and memories.

This book is perfect for the entire family. There are craft ideas for the kids, cute family jokes, recipes for you, and blank pages to place your keepsakes and traditions to pass down to your children.
Also included in this book is a beautifully crafted Christmas story that will make you “Believe” once again that Santa Claus does exist.

The beauty and sincerity of this book are perfect for your family and as a gift for your friends.

Twelve Red Roses in verse: (and more...)

The world isn’t always kind, but there is love awaiting to release its boundless gifts in every corner. One of those gifts is the beautiful aromatic rose. Derek R. King reaches into a treasure trove of emotions to bring you on a journey of love—one rose at a time.

From the first poem to the last, you will learn the meaning behind each rose and bouquet of roses given to the love of your life. Then, as you travel along with the love affair of the rose and its lovers, you’ll learn what it’s like to yearn, to need, to want; and finally to become entwined with your one true soulmate.

The roses in this book symbolize the growth that people endure while seeking companionship throughout their lives. While one rose means one thing, ten roses mean another. In the end, what matters is how we show our love and the significance of the rose in the banquet of emotions as we become entwined, unconditionally, Forevermore.

Editorial Review :

Abracadabra: The Lighter Half, Volume 1

This magical book of charms has an otherworldly vibe that entwines itself with the ethereal realm of the soul and the natural world. Each poem explores the authenticity of the soul’s search for meaning and connection to existing in and of itself.

Emotion is an action and reaction influenced by the supernatural and the natural world around us.

As you read each poem that flows so effortlessly from beginning to end, you become aware of every element interacting with our mind, body, and soul. It becomes evident that we are part of everything, and everything is part of us.
This book will be the magic you need to find renewal and refresh your essence of life.

Our Trees: Botanics, Beliefs, & More

If you are looking for an inspirational, educational, and beautiful book, Our Trees is the book to have in your bookcase. This book isn’t only for the adults in your family but can be used as a tool to teach children the value and meaning of nature.

Our Trees takes you on a botanical exploration of various trees and their symbolic meanings. Each page fills you with the knowledge that past generations knew--what each tree symbolized, their medicinal properties, and many other uses for each.

Your children will love the games included inside, from a board game to a word search and even a puzzle. Our trees is a family-friendly book that will entertain and inform everyone who reads it.

You will adore the short story at the end of this book—“Why Trees Lose Their Leaves” is a heartwarming tale of bravery and selflessness. It is a perfect story for all, especially children.

Editorial Review :

Amore: The Lighter Half, Volume 2

Prepare yourself to be swept away in a love affair with love itself. You will find yourself diving into the deepest oceans and climbing to heights that you never knew existed.

Love poems are some of the most intimate when it comes to poetry. Amore, The Lighter Half, Volume 2 will make you blush; make your heart realize what it yearns for. Each poem brings you closer to the sweet surrender of the heart.
Your toes will tingle, your soul will soar, and your state of mind will change. This book will make you believe in the concept of forevermore. You will understand that to be spiritually and emotionally entwined to another is the best kind of magic.

The Enchanted Faerie Realm

Meander through enchanted realms of mystical beings with mischievous faeries who dance in the moonlight, and sprinkle the magic of the stars over you as you sleep. Playful pixies frolic about, while faeries giggle, and gnomes wiggle upon the leaves of the forest.

So, read the magical poetry of “The Enchanted Faerie Realm.” Find happiness strolling through the Faerie Realm, and let the magic come home with you.

You’ll also find faeries to color, a journal to record your dreams, and a faerie’s guide to writing poetry.

The Poetry Mouse

Evie believes there is more to life than taking care of her house and baking for her friends. She’s not like the other mice. She has a different path; her purpose is to write poetry.

Being a mouse, she longs for the simplicity of nature. So, every day she sneaks past the woods and into the meadow where she writes her inspired words. She might even find encouragement from a friend to submit her poems.

This is Evie's story of finding her authentic self, becoming brave enough to do what she loves, and ultimately sharing her gift with the world as The Poetry Mouse.

Editorial Review :

Our Planets: Moons, Myths, & More

From the first page to the last, Our Planets takes you on a journey through our magnificent Universe. Our Planets offers a fun way to learn and explore the solar system. As you flip through each page, dare to imagine the beauty that each celestial object provides.

Your first stop on this planetary voyage will be in the Milky Way Galaxy, where you will observe unique constellations and other galactic objects.

You’ll be guided through the solar system, where you’ll be introduced to the different types of planets. Each planet is unique in its composition; some may be uninhabitable, while others may suggest the possibility of life.

Next, you’ll meet past and present astronomers and what they are most famous for.

At the end of your glorious planetary journey, you’ll find coloring book pages, a board game, and a passport game. Links to additional learning resources are also provided.

Editorial Review :

Our Halloween: Mysteries, Monsters, and More

Our Halloween weaves an intricate web of mysteries and surprises. Once again, the authors Derek R. King and Julie L. Kusma give your family a book that teaches and inspires imagination.

Every page offers beautifully designed illustrations accompanied by a story, poem, or the history behind the object portrayed. Also included in this book are excerpts from various prior publications, as well as original shorts stories from both authors.

You’ll be excited by the colors, photos, and puzzles from the first page to the last. Monsters find their way into your line of sight throughout the book. But, don’t worry, there’s a story behind each one.

You and your family will find yourself reading and re-reading this Samhain treasure.

Alphabites: the alphabet one bite at a time

Alphabites is a friendly frenzy of fun with letters and words. Children will love the alliteration on each page. This book will make learning the alphabet exciting and engaging; a cute little monster represents and introduces each letter. Words galore spill out on every page.

The Alphabites throughout the book will make your child hungry to learn. At the end of the book, there are pages provided to ignite and fire up a passion for reading and words. The authors offer pages to practice upper and lower case letters. They’ve also provided pages to write their favorite word for each letter of the alphabet.

What kid doesn’t like drawing at some point? Pages are also provided to transform each letter into a neat little monster or animal. Oh, what fun the kiddies will have.

Alphabites is the perfect book to have on your kid's bookshelf.

Jaggy Little Babies

All children have the occasional nightmare and think there are monsters in the closet or under the bed. Derek R. King and Julie L. Kusma offer your children a unique perspective to calm those fears.

They’ve written a book that turns the monsters of the night into playful child-like pranksters who only want to be your night-time buddy.

Each page and verse in Jaggy Little Babies presents a vivid scene of silliness and fun. Jaggy Little Babies are sure to create mischief from stuffed animals to building blocks and bedtime baths.

If you remember sneaking up on your siblings and scaring them from behind, you’ll love the references in this book to those sibling practical jokes. Tickling feet and poking holes in your socks are only a couple of the sneaky pranks the Jaggy Little Babies pull.

This book ultimately helps children see those imaginary monsters as their playful protectors rather than the dangerous and mean creatures in the corner.

With Love, the Universe

A book of affirmations from the Universe for everyone who has ever felt alone, sad, needing encouragement, or needing reminded of how very special they are…

Based on a tradition that began with Morrnah Simeona’s reinterpretation of an ancient Hawaiian problem-solving technique to restore harmony known as Ho’oponopono, and revitalized and shared with the world by the late Dr. Hew Len. Each page offers Ho’oponopono inspired words and photographs by the award-winning authors Derek R. King of handpicked heart-shaped rocks arranged and place by award-winning author Julie L. Kusma, or, as Julie states, the Universe herself.

A treasure to read over and over until authenticity recalled, and beyond, to stay beautifully centered in oneself, the Light, and the Universe.

Buddha's Garden: Allowing & Nonattachment Haiku

Award-winning authors Derek R. King and Julie L. Kusma deliver a beautifully mystical coffeetable book inspired by a large rock on the shore of the North Sea, uncannily resembling Buddha.

The authors knew this book would feature photographs of Zen cairns, arranged by Julie and photographed by Derek. Each image is accompanied by a haiku inspired by the Buddhist concepts of allowing and nonattachment.

This otherworldly book, and the tale of how it came to be, will make you believe in the wonder of the world and leave you in awe.


Urban by Derek R. King is a poetic way of showing the connection between urbanization and Mother Nature. We may think they are separate entities, but both are symbiotic with each other.

We become aware of the grit and grime of city life from the first page of this book to the last. However, each word, line, and stanza is a masterfully constructed scene. The vivid imagery will draw you into a world of metamorphosis between the cold, complex industrialization of cities and the natural world. As you read this book, you will realize that surrounding each municipality is a peripheral of biological influence.

There are moments when you feel like a wind turbine is a lovely graceful creature leaping through the air. Likewise, Derek R. King makes asphalt seem like a beautiful black onyx river to float your car on.

The grit, the hustle, and the chaos of urbanization are truly influenced by nature. This book will take you into both worlds simultaneously.

What Might You Get?: 26 Gifts of the Alphabet

‘What Might You Get? 26 Gifts of the Alphabet’ by award-winning authors Derek R. King and Julie L. Kusma offers a whimsical look at the alphabet with prose and the possible toys Santa might bring. Each letter of the alphabet is accompanied with an image of the amusing gift, and each of these, embellished and arranged by the authors themselves.

This children’s ABCs concept book is ideal for your preschooler(s), not only to learn the alphabet, but to have fun too with the added pages of a matching game that can be played two different ways, an image search game, uppercase and lowercase letter tracing pages, and an advent countdown calendar you can make to continue alphabet play all the way to Christmas Day.

A QR code is included for video instructions on making the advent calendar, and to both authors’ Amazon page where you can find more amazing children concept books and other educational books too.

More Red Roses In Verse

The love poetry collection, More Red Roses in Verse, is the perfect way to express your love on those romantic evenings with your special someone. Each word of love contained within these pages will help you convey the depth of your feelings, whether it's under the glow of candlelight or any time of year. This companion to Twelve Red Roses In Verse is a beautiful addition to any collection of poetry and is sure to warm the heart of your loved one.

The Enchanted Winter Faerie Realm

In this second volume of the Enchanted Realms Series, “The Enchanted Winter Faerie Realm” continues where “The Enchanted Faerie Realm” left off, with more fun, light-hearted poems about faeries and their world. Breathtaking imagery adorns each page displaying magical, wintry landscapes.

Additionally, introductory poetry— including the elements of a poem, poetic devices, and rhyme schemes expand the concepts presented in volume one of the series’ ongoing poetry guides. Also, two coloring book pages and a space for emerging poets to try their hand at writing poetry.

“…the imagery you project with each poem is beautiful. I felt immersed in a glistening winter faerie land.” – Jill Yoder, Editor

Holoi 'ikepili: Words to Release and Cleanse

Holoi ‘ikepili [holoi ʻike·pili], Hawaiian for ‘delete data,’ represents the heart of ho’oponopono philosophy— the practice of reconciliation or ‘making right’ our perceptions where negative emotional meaning has been stored in our subconscious mind.

These meanings become the data of unconsciously accepted beliefs about ourselves and others and trigger unwanted reactions and behaviors which interferes with our ability to create the life we desire.

Reconciliation with another or an event is unnecessary according to Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, renowned psychologist and Ho’oponopono expert. Instead, our perception of individuals and events needs to be ‘made right’ because if we are experiencing it— it is within us. Dr. Len refers to this as ‘cleansing’ the ‘data’ and erasing the subconscious back to ‘zero’— cleared of all this stored data.

We hope this book inspires you to learn more about Ho’oponopono and especially about Dr. Len’s teachings. May you find peace in these words and artful images.

Moonrise to Moonset: And All the Stars in Between

Beautiful photography featuring the moon, accompanied by love poetry by award-winning poets and authors Derek R. King and Julie L. Kusma.

Each piece professes love and moves the reader on a magical journey of what-ifs and eternal bliss. And, as the dedication states, “Let’s sleep through the day and rise at night. Let’s dance together in the beautiful moonlight. Let’s spend each evening under the stars and ever be in each other’s arms.”

A collection to be shared with the one you love.

Sunrise to Sunset: And All the Hours in Between

I love you to the moon and back is a phrase often said, yet there are so many other ways to express this sentiment…

Join award-winning poets and authors Derek R. King and Julie L. Kusma on a journey of love affirmations accompanied by stunning imagery, sharing all the ways of professing love.

A collection to share with everyone you love.

Alpha: Volume 3 (The Lighter Half)

Alpha. Cosmogony. Cosmology. Existential. Existence.

A poetry collection designed to spur the imagination and ignite deep thinking on becoming, emerging, and being.

Ponder the philosophical implications of each poem by award-winning authors and poets Derek R. King and Julie L. Kusma, as each poetic piece asks you, like the Latin word 'extistentia' itself, to become, be, arise, emerge, come out, and appear.

"This book is so profound in its search for the meaning or purpose of our existence or be(ing)...a powerful reminder of our unique identities, but it also shows us that we are part of the same energy—we all share in that. What makes us an individual also makes us partners in creation." Jill Yoder, Editor

Love is Love

Award-winning poets and authors, Derek R. King and Julie L. Kusma bring a collection of poetry that is, like the titles of their poems collectively state— pure, true love is only ever about you and your very special someone. When found, let nothing move or part contentment away from this shared divine life path. Together blissful happiness awaits forever in sumptuous seconds, magical minutes, heavenly hours, delightful days, everlasting yummy years. Melded resplendently, joyfully fused as one, every way possible, under the sun.
Entwined Soulmates Forevermore

"such a lovely, heartfelt book of deep emotions" - Jill Yoder, Editor

Nectar: Words of Self-Love & Care

In this three-part inspirational series, Nectar: Words of Self-Love and Care, the second book, continues where book one, the awrad-winning Honey: Words to Heal and Mend, began with a journey of applying words of gold to our soul like the art of Kintsugi.

Based on the Japanese philosophy of Wabi-Sabi, Kintsugi teaches us to apply liquid gold into the cracks of broken pottery and turn a once-believed lost item into a work of art. In this same manner, we no longer look at ourselves as broken or lost. Instead, we heal our wounds and find beauty in our flaws. We embrace how imperfectly perfect we are with this book of self-love and care affirmations.

More Amore: The Lighter Half, Volume 2.1

Can one ever have too much amore? Authors Derek R. King and Julie L. Kusma say no such thing as too much love, so they offer More Amore, a collection of poetry following in the style of Amore, The Lighter Half, Volume 2, which urged the “sweet surrender of the heart.”

The authors blend “spiritually and emotionally” into “the best kind of magic” as they share words of love and oneness. An excellent book of poetry to recite from with the one you love.

Other Books in The Lighter Half Series include:
Abracadabra, The Lighter Half, Volume 1 (Gaia Earth Magic Poetry)
Amore, The Lighter Half, Volume 2 (Love Poetry)
Alpha, The Lighter Half, Volume 13 (Cosmology Poetry)

The Bee Book

Bees are buzzing with inspiring affirmations about a honey of a way to be. Beautiful illustrations and positivity encourages the pollination of good thoughts, good words, and good deeds as well as open discussions with your little bees.

Pollinate Positivity!

Space Whales

Grab your imagination and head off to bed. There’s a fantastical universe like nothing you’ve known waiting for you to explore, full of wondrous creatures and splendiferous scenes and before you know it, you’ll be fast asleep.

In Sun & Shade

Follow the seasons in different points of a day in this collection of nature poetry by award-winning poet and author Derek R. King. As he sets each scene, allow his words to embrace you in the glory of the natural world.

“You [King] write with such heart; you write with your soul.”
– Jill Yoder, Editor.

“King's words transport us from one poetic scene to the next”
– Julie L Kusma, award-winning author & poet.

Sea of ABCs

Learning the ABCs just got funner, and more educational too, as each letter of the alphabet names a type of aquatic life and provides one or to cool facts about that creature.

Beautiful watercolor images of seaside or ocean scenes will delight the imagination of children and adults too, as young children learn the alphabet and a bit of marine biology too.

Zenardi's Carnival of ABCs

Welcome to ‘Zenardi’s Carnival’ where every page offers a thrilling ride, an exciting act, or a tasty treat. As you read this book out loud, share your delightful memories of town fairs, carnivals, and elements of the circus with your toddlers as they learn the alphabet in this fun book of ABCs.

Our Summer: Adventures, Amusements, & More

Explore Our Summer: Adventures, Amusements, & More with educational information about summer and everything summery including poetry, recipes, crafts, games, photography, and anecdotes, making this book “fun and inviting.”

Includes The Isle of Goo, an original short story by the authors, that is “cute, funny, and quirky enough to make both children and adults find it entertaining.”

Tranquil Seas: Still Yourself and Be

The seaside has an undeniable power to bring peace and joy to the soul. Its treasures of shells, rocks, sea life, water, and sand captivate us with their beauty and remind us of the wonders of nature. The photographs of Derek R. King and the affirming words of his and Julie L. Kusma perfectly capture the essence of this magical place. Let the seaside inspire you and fill your heart with tranquility and happiness.

Even Only Besides

Imagine taking a deep breath and letting the cool breeze wash over you. Watch the waves crash against the shore and feel your worries melt away. The salty air is invigorating and refreshing.

Be transported on a peaceful and rejuvenating journey through EVEN ONLY BESIDES. Look at the amazing seashell photographs and let them inspire you. Believe in yourself and your power to heal and grow.

Positive affirmations and self-belief can tremendously impact our mental and physical well-being. We all have the potential for growth and healing; the beach is the perfect place to start that journey because the sea brings a sense of tranquility that's hard to find anywhere else.
Other inspirational books by these authors include:

Tranquil Seas: Still Yourself and Be (Zen Inspired, Book 2)
Honey: Words to Heal & Mend (Kintsugi Inspired, Book 1)
Buddha’s Garden: Allowing and Non-attachment Haiku (Zen Inspired, Book 1)
Holoi’ ikepili: Words to Release and Cleanse (Ho’oponopono Inspired, Book 1)

Inspirational Books for Children and YA:
with love, the Universe: Affirmations for Authenticity (Ho’oponopono Inspired)

More Inspirational Books Coming Soon:
Ambrosia: Because Life is Sweet (Kintsugi Inspired, Book 3)
Ho’oponopono: Words to Forgive and Love (Ho’oponopono Inspired, Book 2)
Bloom: Words of Love and Gratitude (Ho’oponopono Inspired, Book 3)

Alphagems: My First 26 Gemstones

Explore the world of gemstones with your little one! Alphagems: My First 26 Gemstones, an ABC concept book, is perfect for early learning and teaches your child the alphabet with 26 unique gemstones! Discover the energy and power of gemstones and help your child learn something new and the alphabet, too. Ages 0-8.

Other Alphabet Learning Books by the authors:
Sea of ABCs
Zenardi's Carnival of ABCs
Alphabites: The Alphabet One Bite at a Time
What Might You Get? 26 Gifts from the Alphabet (Holiday- Christmas)

(K)no(w)where: Manifestation Made Easy

Unlock ancient wisdom and see how manifestation is made easy as you learn to create the life you desire by discovering the secrets never told to you. KNOW WHERE you're going so you don't go NO WHERE!

The Disgustingly Foul World of Goblins

Welcome to the uproariously gross and slimy realm of goblins, where boogers and burps are celebrated with gusto! In "The Disgustingly Foul World of Goblins," we follow the misadventures of Icky the Imp, a mischievous little creature with a nose for all things foul. Join him on his quest to gather goblin goo and the foulest of smells for the world's first-ever "Goblin Depository of Grossness!"

This children's picture poetry book takes us on a journey through the hilariously repulsive habits of goblins. Whether it's burping their ABCs, mastering the art of snot slinging, or engaging in epic fart battles, these goblins sure know how to make their bodily functions a spectacle! Brace yourself for giggles, groans, and a whole lot of "ewwws!"

But amidst the riotous laughter and cringe-worthy encounters, there's a valuable lesson to be learned. As Icky the Imp explores the depths of goblin grossness, young readers will realize that while it's fun to revel in the icky side of life, good hygiene is the key to avoiding an unfortunate transformation into a goblin themselves!

So, if you're ready to dive into the stinky, slimy, and downright icky world of goblins, grab your nose plugs and embark on this unforgettable, humorous journey. "The Disgustingly Foul World of Goblins" is the ultimate celebration of all things gross, reminding kids that cleanliness might just save them from turning into a goblin!

The ABCs of Goblin Curiosities

Get ready to embark on a hilarious journey through the 26 gross and goofy, disgusting curiosities of goblins in "The ABCs of Goblin Curiosities"! This alphabet concept book, a companion to "The Disgustingly Foul World of Goblins," is packed with Icky the Imp's latest gross finds that will keep youngsters giggling and grossed-out from A to Z.

With each turn of the page, kids will be introduced to a new goblin grossness, from "A is for Acrid Drupes" to "Z is for Zest of Toenails." Engaging illustrations bring the quirky goblin world to life, allowing children to immerse themselves in this delightfully icky adventure.

As a perfect addition to any early learners' bookshelf, "The ABCs of Goblin Curiosities" encourages kids to explore the alphabet with enthusiasm and delight. Not only will they master their ABCs, but they'll also have a blast discovering the absurdities of goblin curiosities, tickling their funny bones along the way and learning a thing or two about the human body and hygiene.

This ABC concept book like no other combines learning and laughter, making it a must-read-to for every curious child. So, get ready to dive into this alphabet adventure, and let the giggles begin!

Love on a Winter's Night

Step into a world where winter's gentle touch paints landscapes in shades of ivory and silver, where the hush of snowflakes conceals whispered secrets blowing through the trees. "Love on a Winter's Night" is a spellbinding journey that invites you to nestle deep within the warmth of frosty evenings. In this exquisite collection of winter-themed love poetry, you'll discover the magic of true love, woven into each verse like a tapestry of emotions.

As you turn the pages, you'll be transported to a realm where every stanza is a hearth, crackling with the fires of passion, just like sipping cocoa by the fireside. The verses will kindle the flames of your soul, offering solace amidst the enchanting snowy world that surrounds us.

Jill Yoder, an accomplished editor, remarked, "As I read this book, I could envision nearly every scene. I could feel every bit of excitement, yearning, and love throughout each page."

"Love on a Winter's Night" is not just a book of poetry; it's a testament to the enduring power of love amidst the chill of winter. Let its pages envelop you in its magical embrace, where love shines as brightly as a star on a frosty night.

I Love My Alphabet

Step into a world where the alphabet comes to life with love and affection in every letter. Our enchanting alphabet book is more than just A, B, C; it's a journey of heartwarming alphabet journey filled with love and affection, designed to captivate young minds.

"I Love My Alphabet" offers young readers an enchanting way to learn their ABCs. Beautiful illustrations accompanied by poetic prose with each letter teaching the values of love and togetherness. Also included are pages demonstrating how each uppercase and lowercase letter is written and practice pages where you child can bring letters to life. It's not just an alphabet book; it's a keepsake for family bonding and early education. Discover the magic of "I Love My Alphabet" with your child, and create some treasured memories along the way.


“Forevermore,” the third volume in King’s Red Roses Series, offers poetry expressing the true and profound love shared between the two that started in volume one, “Twelve Red Roses in Verse,” and beautifully develops further in volume two, “More Red Roses In Verse.” Now, in “Forevermore,” that relationship blooms fully and, as the book’s title suggests, reveals the forever-lasting, entwined love between these lovers. This collection warms the heart, satisfies the soul, and reminds each of us that the possibility of true love is real. This book is a treasure trove of eternal love.

Thump! Thump!

"Thump! Thump!" is a delightful concept book that guides children through an auditory adventure with our inquisitive little protagonist as she tries to fall asleep. The mysterious sounds resonating through the bustling building of flats – the thumps, clinks, and strange rumbles – create a cacophony of noise for her wee ears.

Through the vibrant illustrations, children easily identify and understand that the initially frightening sounds are simply the diverse elements of their everyday environment. This book gently conveys the idea that even the most ordinary sounds can transform into a beautifully comforting symphony, soothing enough to lull one to sleep.

"Thump! Thump!" is a heartwarming and fun prose that encourages curiosity, empathy, and a sense of connection with the world around us.
