51 Powerful Ps To Public Speaking

By Dawn Bates

Co-authored with Krystylle Richardson

Understanding the power of speaking is what gets people the jobs they desire, the funding to grow their business or win in the courtroom with a powerful closing argument, so seasoned public speaker Krystylle Richardson teamed up me to bring out a new book on the subject of public speaking.

Initially the book was for those wishing to speak at events on a stage, but with my guidance and expertise, Krystylle’s book is now ready for any speaking engagement including podcasts, sales and boardroom presentations, use in academic settings as well as for those who wish to present their business using video for social media.

Every person has a voice, so harnessing the ability to speak on stages and the various media platforms now available to us means we can all be heard. By embracing their inner giant, using the techniques in this book, both emerging and seasoned speakers can break forth as an even powerful public speaker impacting lives daily with their newly found and refined powers
