Dawn Bates

ALLi Author Member

Location: Canada

Genres: Mental Health, Mind Body Spirit, Self-Help/Personal Development, General Nonfiction, Biography, Narrative Nonfiction, Health & Fitness, Religion, Other, Psychology, Historical Fiction, Memoir, Business

Skills: Performance/Spoken Word, Press/Media Interview, Reading/Literary Event, Self-publishing Workshop/Training, Speaking Engagement/Lecture, Writing Workshop

Dawn Bates is a true international bestselling author of more books than she can keep count of on five continents. She specialises in developing global leaders into real authorities who wish to give a voice to the voiceless whilst working with them to create brand expansion strategies through activism and authorship.

Profound truths, social justice and human rights underpin everything she does, and at the core of her soul is a passion for being of service to humanity, giving hope, courage and confidence for others to stand in their truth and live a life of conviction.

She writes for various magazines, sails around the world and is currently working towards her PhD in the area of Anthropology and Social Justice with the University of Oxford, whilst also hosting important conversations via The Sacral Series and The Truth Serum podcasts, which she uses as learning resources in the various courses available in her Author Academy

Her books are powerful and comprise of solo compilations and anthologies of the highest calibre. Dawn brings together the multi-faceted aspects of the world we live in and takes you on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, whilst delivering mic dropping inspiration, motivation and awakening. Her work captures life around the world in all its rawness.

Dawn’s expertise and insights will make you rethink your life, whilst harnessing the deepest freedom of all: your own truth. She’s an authority on leading others to create exceptional results by igniting the passions and fires deep within to speak and live powerfully.

To discover more about Dawn, please visit www.dawnbates.com
To connect with Dawn, please use https://linkedin.com/in/dawnbates

Dawn Bates' books

Friday Bridge

Friday Bridge is a glimpse behind the veil into Islaam – only, a version of Islaam untainted by cultural influence. A memoir written to encourage you to question your own assumptions and those made by others, especially those in the media.

This book smashes through social stereotypes like never before. It is the story of an entrepreneurial, drug-taking Muslim female raver. A woman who will make you stop and analyse everything you think you know about the world we live in.

“Bates proves it doesn’t matter where you are from, or who others think you should be, so long as you follow your heart, own who you are, anything is possible”

This is an inspirational journey of self-discovery, inner strength and never giving up, one which will make you laugh and cry due to the sometimes shocking and candid honesty.


As the world watched the events of the Egyptian Uprising unfold on their TV screens, Dawn Bates and her family lived through it. This is her account of what it was like living and working in Egypt during this incredible historic moment.

An honest and frank account about the hardships, the fear and the joys of living in Egypt during this turbulent time. Dawn talks with a refreshing and engaging voice as she describes the Egypt she’s loved for 20 years and the pain of seeing Egypt and the people of Egypt destroyed before her very eyes.

For the first time in history the Egyptians rose up together to overthrow their President, Hosni Mubarak. The world watched as those living in Egypt experienced a complete communications black out, violent and bloody protests, police and army brutality, 7pm curfews, and the end of Mohammed Morsi’s presidency by a blood thirsty military coup, giving way to the now President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.

Crossing The Line

This is a story of love, compassion and forgiveness; of taking control of your own life and fighting for what you believe in. A story of strength, courage and resilience.

Becoming a single parent is tough enough as it is, but when the police arrest you and throw you in a cell for 2.5 days, without questioning, without telling you why; and then social services tell you to sign your children over to them, or they'll take them off you anyway, life takes on a whole new level of crazy; especially when you fight back against the system.

Dawn Bates has had insights into the darker depths of the policing and justice system that operates on the West Coast of Scotland. Seen first-hand the challenges of what it means to be a single parent in today's society, and how the various systems of governance, combined with organisational structure have a debilitating effect on those who are raising children alone; and the stigmatism that goes with it.

This isn't just her story. This is the story of many.


Her breathing became really shallow and laboured and the paramedics were talking about what was happening “milligrams of this, heart rate dropping, breathing erratic… need to get there quick” all of it sounding as though she was back underwater where she belonged. She imagined herself floating, sun on her face, bobbing along on the crest of the waves miles out to sea.

He said he loved her. Everything seemed perfect. She wanted to believe it. Apparently she’d find it hard to have someone else love her. One drunken night, he nearly killed her. In three years, she was spiked and raped twice, on nights out with him. Toxic narcissistic love, and this is just the beginning.

Moana is the first of nine true stories written as fiction, because sometimes you just can’t make this shit up.


Looking at her younger brother and sister, she knew something bad had happened. The silence in the house was no longer a welcome relief; it was deafening, all encompassing.

Then the police came, and then a nice lady, then something about a new family. Everything was a blur, until she became lost in her own silent world of colour and canvas.

Being the unwanted child of a prostitute life was never going to be easy. Becoming a sister gave her life meaning, then they were taken away from her.

Who was she now? Where were they taking her? And would the sounds of her mother’s screams haunt her forever more?


One outgoing, the life and soul of every event in the social calendar. The other quiet, reserved and as timid as a mouse. He had it all, the notoriety, the love of the community, successful business and the money to go with it. She very rarely left the house and had the love of a man who protected her fiercely.

And then there was Pandora. Defiant, quiet like her mother, and a loner. Obsessed with cold water, of holding her breath until she turned blue, scaring her mother and father on multiple occasions.

Disappearing for days on end, then disappearing into her room and into her books on her return. All of them locked inside their secrets, all held together by one single thread, which if reveal would bring the community to it’s knees.

The question is, is it worth saving face, family and fortune, or saving others?


There are wifely duties, and there is obeying your husband. In public he was the kind hearted Pastor, the voice of reason and wisdom in those moments of need. Behind closed doors he was a monster, and the reign of terror he inflicted was worse than the devil himself.

Finding the courage and the strength to leave is one thing, taking that courage out onto the streets is another. No longer was it acceptable for women and girls to be mutilated, raped and abused, but just how far was she prepared to go, and who if anyone would stand with her?

Now was the time to come out of hiding.
Now was the time to stand together, because if not now, when? And if not Alpha, who?

Would any of these women stand and fight for their rights?

Becoming Annie

Becoming who we truly are is a defining moment in every woman’s journey; yet many women are still hiding amongst the self-imposed shadows of life. Becoming Annie is a story about a woman who not only redefines what it means to be a woman in the corporate world, but also what it is to be a woman in each and every area of life. And more importantly, how we relate to each other.

Annie Gibbins has been championing others her entire adult life, giving back and consistently outperforming herself – with what some would agree are ridiculous goals and ideas.

Her genuine curiosity of what is truly possible, her belief in others, combined with her warmth, humility and grace sees her turning back the hands of time to defy the ageing process and the rules of society.

Her rise to the top of corporate Australia through transforming the healthcare industry and becoming a global name in the world of female empowerment hasn’t been an easy one, nor has the personal life of the woman behind the smile and the laughter.

In Becoming Annie, you will discover how this mum of five – including two sets of twins – has allowed curiosity to bring out the best in her. You will also discover yourself, your truth and your freedom, releasing you from a life of comparison whilst embracing all that’s truly possible.

The Potent Power of Menopause: A Culturally Diverse Perspective of Feminine Transformation

The Potent Power of Menopause: A Culturally Diverse Perspective on Feminine Transformation is an open and honest, frank and insightful anthology by 10 women and 1 man from various countries, cultures and faiths around the world – and has the addition of humour which the world has come to enjoy and expect from my books, on the subjects that matter.

Within the pages of this book, you will find real-life stories, expert advice and information, detailing the transformational time in a woman’s life that is so misunderstood, wrapped in a silence filled with myths passed down through the generations, whilst also being dismissed and ridiculed.

The mere mention of the word menopause has caused discomfort, and its name has been whispered in fear of the shame associated with infertility and ageing…

That is until now.

Prepare to laugh, relate and transform how you see and understand menopause!

A timeless book to journey into the future of feminine transformation.

51 Powerful Ps To Public Speaking

Co-authored with Krystylle Richardson

Understanding the power of speaking is what gets people the jobs they desire, the funding to grow their business or win in the courtroom with a powerful closing argument, so seasoned public speaker Krystylle Richardson teamed up me to bring out a new book on the subject of public speaking.

Initially the book was for those wishing to speak at events on a stage, but with my guidance and expertise, Krystylle’s book is now ready for any speaking engagement including podcasts, sales and boardroom presentations, use in academic settings as well as for those who wish to present their business using video for social media.

Every person has a voice, so harnessing the ability to speak on stages and the various media platforms now available to us means we can all be heard. By embracing their inner giant, using the techniques in this book, both emerging and seasoned speakers can break forth as an even powerful public speaker impacting lives daily with their newly found and refined powers

Alive To Thrive: Life After Attempting Suicide - Our Stories

A powerful anthology showcasing the various reasons why women from around the world attempt suicide, the healing modalities chosen and how they have gone on to live inspired lives of service.

Co-authored with 9 other women, this book offers a greater understanding into the world of mental health and the issues within society in a non academic or clinical style.

This book offers insights on how to spot the signs of those who are suffering with their own mental health, or the mental health of a family member, friend, colleague, colleague or child.

With the intention of wanting to save as many lives as possible, it was agreed this book was to showcase real life stories without the need for academic study or qualifications.

All the proceeds of this book will go to various charities to help support the vital work being done for the betterment of women's mental health.

Standing In Strength: Inspirational Stories of Power Unleashed

Women are hiding who they are, afraid to take up space, to voice their opinions, and are intimidated by other women.

Judged by society, by each other and by themselves, in some of the nastiness, most soul destroying ways possible.

Unwilling to speak to a stranger the way they speak to themselves.

And then along comes a woman like Laarni Mulvey who chooses to celebrate women by bringing you this anthology of stories written by real women, making a huge difference in this world by supporting women to be stronger than ever before.

A Filipino powerlifter who refused to fit the social stereotypes, with her ‘vest top and power bun’, Laarni has curated this celebration of women, of difference, of beauty and of strength.

Break Down to Wake Up: Journey Beyond The Now

Curated and led by Jocelyn Bellows, sixteen global influencers came together from over five different continents around the world to share with you their own painful experiences which led them all to the biggest wake up calls of their lives.

They are not easy reads for the most part, nor are they meant to be. Courage, strength and growth never comes without a certain amount of pain and suffering, and as you will read from these heart wrenching, and heart-warming stories, there is always hope on the other side of rock bottom.

With stories about alcohol and drug addiction, parental pressures from multiple perspectives, the wounded masculine energy healed through the work of tantra, distorted views of the world due to religion and the world of law, body consciousness and the ageing process, this book delivers an awakening for all who read it, and offers a beacon of light in the dark who need it.

It offers understanding, whilst also educating and informing us of the struggles others face, and the struggles we are doing our best to ignore or avoid in our own lives. With pages for reflection, it really is a book for your journey beyond the now.
