AA2: When Malice surrounds You

By Constance J. Hampton

When Malice surrounds You ~ Constance J. Hampton
Wellington’s Heroes series Book 2
When Marguerite is widowed at the young age of 22 she soon falls victim to her homosexual brother Stephen’s machinations. He convinces her to marry his new lover Viscount Lord Philip Morvern, who happens to be the brother of Hengist Agnew, her secret childhood love.
When Hengist, a major in Wellington’s army in the Spanish Peninsula manages to come home he takes his brother’s place at the social activities of the Ton in London and in his brother’s bed.
Dark clouds gather around Hengist, Philip and Marguerite when the highest aristocrats conspire to get rid of Philip, the new Earl Loghaire and to take the wealth he has acquired through his advantageous marriage.
