A Fitting Revenge

By Colin Sole

Your vengeance is worse than murder. What does that make you?

A life, a love and a fortune hang in the balance. Sandra is a ruthless misandrist immersed in greed. No act is beyond her.

Alastair is helping his close friend, Giles, avoid a punishing divorce from Sandra. He struggles to gain the initiative in this battle as she stays one criminal step ahead the whole time.

When Alastair strays, his relationship with his long-term love, Juliet, is ripped apart. But she needs to help Giles too. With this common goal, they strive to work together, but the stress they’re under widens their rift as they face appalling crimes and the ruination of both their lives.

Sandra’s actions demand retribution, but Alastair stretches reason in exacting a terrible revenge for the impact they’ve had on his friends. In doing so, he discovers a side to himself that he never knew existed.

A Fitting Revenge is a fast, event-packed thriller in which CA Sole engrosses you in a horrific yet credible scenario that could affect any one of us.
