Caryl Westmore

ALLi Author Member

Location: United Kingdom (the)

Genres: Mental Health, Mind Body Spirit, Self-Help/Personal Development, Advice & How To, Writing & Publishing

Skills: Press/Media Interview, Self-publishing Workshop/Training, Speaking Engagement/Lecture, Writing Workshop

CARYL WESTMORE is known as the world's first EFT Tapping Book Coach with a calling to help Coaches, Healers, Wellness Experts and Therapists to write a client-attraction book that boosts their business and helps them stand out like "a shiny unicorn in a sea of sameness."

Her Program and Podcast: "Write the Book Inside You," helps aspiring nonfiction authors clear their inner blocks to successfully writing and publishing their books.

Caryl is a multi-published author, former journalist and senior Energy Psychology expert, trained in therapies like The Journey and Matrix Reimprinting using EFT Tapping.
She tells her clients: "The secret of getting ahead is getting started," (Mark Twain).
She also quotes Ann Lamott about writing a "really, really shitty first draft" because "all good writers write they can end up with a terrific second and third draft.

Caryl Westmore's books

Bust Writer's Block Forever

Learn 7 game-changing ways on the inner path to kiss writer's block bye bye. Includes a bonus chapter on ChatGPT as your creative catalyst.

You Can Break-Free Fast EFT Tapping.

Three Simple Steps to get Unstuck and Attract the Life you Love.
Foreword Dr. Joe Vitale, star of The Secret

Using EFT Tapping and Matrix Reimprinting this book reveals the essence of what holds you back from past beliefs and traumatic memories and how Energy Psychology tools like tapping can set you free.
Based on 20+ years of Break-Free Fast Coaching with clients worldwide, the author shares how body-based tapping sets you free.

The Inner Path of Writing, Make Love not War to the Writer Within

This book shares the secrets of winning your "inner game" as a writer from 21 world famous experts, including Dr Joe Vitale (who wrote the Foreword), Brandon Bays, and many more stars in the publishing and writing fields.

5 Steps to Goal Success EFT Tapping

Whatever you wish or dream, this book can turn it into the reality of a "Golden Goal" fulfilled.

Why is the author's method so different from other methods of goal setting - including the system taught by goal setting guru Michael Hyatt?

Because 90% of your success is driven by your unconscious brain—not your conscious thinking mind or will power.

So, this book teaches you how to clear unconscious belief blocks or "goal traumas" likely to sabotage your success—rather than merely applying mental focus and will-power from the conscious mind.

Try these exciting energy psychology tools that get powerful results in five simple steps:
• Step 1 - Get Inspired
• Step 2 - Get Clear (emotionally and mentally)
• Step 3 - Get Focus
• Step 4 - Get Going
• Step 5 - Keep Going – until you reach your “Golden Goal”

A senior coach and trainer for 23 years of EFT tapping therapy, Caryl has trained extensively with EFT Master and Hay House author Karl Dawson who writes in the Foreword: “I highly recommend this book–it is for anyone interested in personal goal success, and it will also benefit coaches, therapists and practitioners who want to boost success in life and love personally–and for their clients.”

Power Boost the Law of Attraction with Matrix Reimprinting using EFT Tapping: Become a Manifesting Super-Attractor – Faster an

So, you want to power boost and sky-rocket the Law of Attraction and Manifestation?
Gleefully turn your wishes, dreams and goals into reality – not just vision-board hopes or longing?

Finally, you can ditch your failed attempts with the Law of Attraction.

Become a Super-Attractor for your dream life...
…like Caryl and her clients such as...

★Faby who manifested a three-month holiday on her dream island off the coast of Brazil
★Tanya who longed to write a book – and today has published eight books on Amazon.
★Annemarie who said bye-bye to an abusive marriage and found true love in the arms of her Tango dancing partner – and then manifested the well-paying job of her dreams.
★Sophie who was broke and broken-hearted when she described her dream Future Self in a session with me as "flying first class with my husband at my side and our baby in my arms" – and ended up marrying her "Prince" in the Middle East and doing just that.

✓✓This is a superfast short read that will catapult your understanding and method of creating the “LIFE YOU LOVE” - sweet juicy joyous life your heart desires.

There's BAD NEWS - AND GOOD NEWS set out in this book telling you the real reason it fails and what you can do about it to re-imprint a new outcome

Online Dating Success Secrets for Women 40/50+

Wish you could start over in love with a perfect partner--even though your heart has been trampled on and broken more than once--and hope has died?

Imagine reigniting the flame of love and discovering companionship, happiness, and a fresh start with the man of your dreams. Let author Caryl Westmore show you how to negotiate the tricky waters of online dating to manifest that dream. And finally become the woman who confidently “dumps the love duds and villains” and attracts her “Love Hero.”
