Universal Values: A Science Fiction Anthology

By Bryon Mayfield

What compels people to do what they do? What are the driving forces that so utterly determine how they live their lives? Take faith, for instance. A person's unwavering belief in something can be so strong that it fully determines the nature of their outlook on the universe. It can be a vehicle for benevolent acts, or a weapon to drive people to fanatical levels of brutality. Or maybe love is responsible for the actions people take. Love of a significant other, a group, an idea, or even love of the self. How about revenge, prejudice, or the desire to embrace individualism?

Whatever driving force an individual or group may choose to deem the most essential, at some point its repetition and the emphasis of its paramount importance transforms it into what can safely be referred to as a value. This anthology explores the aforementioned values, and others, in five independent stories, with the common thread of examining how people will adhere to their personal beliefs while in pivotal situations. Whether they be on an alien planet not all that dissimilar to Earth, under a dome on some unhospitable barren rock, or on a generational spaceship on a course to a new world, this collection of science fiction stories will demonstrate how the driving forces in people's lives shape the very fabric of their existence.

Also, these stories will beg the question: Are the values in these alien settings so very different than the ones we hold dear on our own planet?

Or, are some values perhaps...universal?
