Phoebe and the Rock of Ages: The Gustafson Girls Book 3

By Becky Doughty

A wild child. A Jesus freak. A secret past and a second chance at love. Oh, the FIREWORKS when these two worlds collide!


Phoebe has been running wild her whole life. A gifted and passionate artist, she portrays life the way she sees it, but her jaded perspective is borne out of disillusionment, betrayal, and heartbreaking loss. Rather than face the past, Phoebe charges full throttle into the future, never investing in anything or anyone for longer than it takes to finish a job.

When a family emergency stirs up painful memories long ago laid to rest, Phoebe's lacquered facade shatters. But a charming, unconventional Jesus freak refuses to let go of her without a fight. Will Phoebe learn to open her eyes to see life, love... and herself, the way they really are?


Orphaned by a drunk driver, it's the G-FOURce--the Gustafson Four club--that unites the sisters when their differences would tear them apart. Juliette has become the quintessential doormat, Renata, the self-appointed matriarchal figure. Phoebe is, according to Ren, borderline narcissistic, and Gia is on the verge of a major identity crisis.

Then there's Angela Clinton, the senior class darling who plowed her cherry 1970 el Camino into the Gustafons' car that fateful day. She's up for parole and word is she's moving back to town. Is the G-FOURce strong enough to bind the sisters together as they step into the eye of the storm that's been brewing for the last fifteen years?
