Anna Featherstone
ALLi Author Member
Location: Australia & New Zealand
Genres: Mind Body Spirit, Self-Help/Personal Development, General Nonfiction, Other, Advice & How To, Writing & Publishing, Memoir, Business
Skills: Press/Media Interview, Reading/Literary Event, Self-publishing Workshop/Training, Speaking Engagement/Lecture, Writing Workshop
- Non-Fiction Book Advisor to ALLi
- Founder of Bold Authors, an online video course hub for authors
- Judge of the Australian Business Book Awards
Author, writer and expert self-publisher Anna Featherstone has written for The Guardian and Sydney Morning Herald and is the bestselling author of Small Farm Success Australia and the memoir, Honey Farm Dreaming.
“Look – It’s Your Book!” is Anna’s fifth non-fiction book and her fourth self-published title. She’s written it specifically to help Australian non-fiction writers understand and take control of their writing and publishing journey.
Anna presents regular writing workshops for individuals and businesses on how to turn your unique ideas, knowledge and experiences into great content that captures, captivates and connects with readers.
Passionate about bees, the bush and the beach, she admires humans with big hearts and people who make positive change wherever they are and with whatever resources they have. She can’t cook to save herself, but when she does, she loves doing it in a solar oven.
Anna Featherstone's books

Honey Farm Dreaming
Immerse yourself in this delightful memoir about a decade of life on a small Australian farm. A perfect book for tree changers and anyone who dreams of rural life.

Small Farm Success Australia
Are you farming right now, dreaming about, or studying to become a farmer? Are you ready to get out of the rat race to run your own race? Does a tree change tempt or your hobby farm need a boost? Want to make a part-time or serious living farming? If you’re ready to be your own boss, read this book and be inspired by the experiences of 25 farmers from across Australia.

Look - It's Your Book!
Write, Publish & Promote Your Non-Fiction Book: A Self-Publishing Guide for Australian Writers.