Alison Tracy

ALLi Author Member

Location: United States of America (the)

Genres: Academic, Dystopian, Fantasy/SciFi/Speculative, Young Adult (YA), New Adult

Skills: Reading/Literary Event, Speaking Engagement/Lecture, Writing Workshop

I tell stories that hold a funhouse mirror up to our world.

I believe fantasy and science fiction can reveal fundamental truths about our social world. With a PhD in sociology and a BA in English, I use fantastical and mythical stories to reveal the often-hidden cultural ideologies and inequalities that chain us.

Some of my stories are fairy tale romances with a feminist twist. Others are dystopias that challenge assumptions about free will and divine forces. In all my stories, I use fiction to reflect new insights about our own world.

In addition to fiction writing and sociology research, I enjoy spending time with my husband and two children, watching sappy rom-coms from around the globe, and eating high-quality dark chocolate.

Alison Tracy's books

The Guardian

Living in a corporate-run dystopia, directed by a God she doesn’t trust, can a young prophet inspire enough faith in herself and others to make her world worthy of salvation?

Fourteen-year-old Iliya Rusul only wants a job to keep her family from starvation. Instead, she’s pushed to leave everything she knows and loves to be a prophet, preparing the world for the returning Messiah. Worse, the God directing Iliya doesn’t seem to care about her family or potentially hurting people to strengthen Iliya’s miracles as holy propaganda.

And every miracle costs a portion of her life.

Upon discovering the corruption and suffering beyond her village, Iliya wants to save the world from the ruling political corporations. With help from inspired followers, she builds a coordinated relief program to redistribute wealth and power. But whenever her charitable focus strays from God’s clandestine plan, God raises the cost of miracles.

Losing money and credibility due to Iliya’s work and growing popularity, the global CEOs in power further consolidate world resources for themselves through hostile takeovers and send out their best assassins to stop Iliya. Can she save those she loves and prepare the world for salvation before she runs out of life?
