Alexander Lane

ALLi Author Member

Location: Europe

Genres: Fantasy/SciFi/Speculative, Horror

Skills: Reading/Literary Event, Press/Media Interview

Alexander Lane has almost died on several continents. When he’s not writing, he’s thinking about travelling around our planet or into the stars. Much like Max Headroom, he lives about 15 minutes into the future.

He’ll be wondering whether scuba diving is truly as safe as it is incredible, planning his next trip to somewhere that’s hopefully more fun than fatal, or dreaming of the many ways that space travel could be both wonderful and dangerous. He always buys good travel insurance, and so should you.

He graduated with a distinction from the creative writing MA at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, in 2020. His first published novella is Blood River, and he’s currently working on the first two books of a science fiction series, In Machina.

He currently lives in Ireland, where there are no snakes or large predators.

Alexander Lane's books

Blood River

Trapped in the Borneo jungle, British eco-tourist Tara must protect her fellow travellers from a killer possessed by a bloodthirsty animal spirit.

Tara wants to forget her abusive ex. Wild child Alison yearns for the rainforest to heal her soul. Student Maya’s thrilled by her first long-haul adventure. Bad boy Cristian’s chasing his next conquest. Everyone else wants to see the orangutans.

Stranded by freak weather and targeted by ruthless thugs, their tropical paradise becomes a torrid nightmare. Tara must discover hidden strengths to get anyone home alive.

But the greatest dangers lie within: jealousy, vengeance and a primal hatred unleashed by the forest itself.

The journey up Blood River was easy. Coming home is a killer.

Blood River is a rollercoaster tale of supernatural survival horror.
