Heavy Traffic on a Dirt Road

By Alex Fogel

Genres: Adventure, Commercial Fiction, Contemporary Fiction, Crime, Erotica, General Fiction, Literary Fiction, Romance, Thriller

Age Groups: 12-18, 18+

“Heavy Traffic on a Dirt Road”.

Complete at 177,971 words in twenty chapters.

Set against the backdrop of a mysterious human trafficking operation that is smuggling young girls from Southeast Asia into the U.S. through backwater Georgia waterways, a former Force Recon Marine emerges from a soul-searching sabbatical to rescue the girls and discovers that his family’s business empire is being targeted for a hostile takeover. When it becomes obvious that the conspiracy related to his company involves people tied to the human trafficking operation, new personal and business relationships are formed to prove that power deferred is not power lost.

Sean Wallace is a proud and accomplished young man in his own right, yet he is struggling with how to put his mark onto a world that was simply handed to him. An unabashed romantic, Sean is sometimes overly trusting of people, naturally altruistic, and patient to a fault. These traits lead adversaries and allies alike to underestimate his physical, political, and financial power. When the business empire that is his legacy is threatened, Sean is irritated. When those he loves are threatened, Sean is deadly.

Amanda Wallace is an orphaned Australian heiress who is searching for her own place in the world. A beautiful, accomplished athlete, she is questioning whether the destiny she had dreamed of for herself will ever be realized. Her dreams, as well as her fears, must be ignored when she and twenty-five young orphan girls are abducted by slave traders and she must find the strength and courage to keep them all alive. When finally free of her captures, Amanda must now struggle with the emotional debate over how the hero of her rescue appears to be her one true soul mate.

DeMarcus Steele is the brutal and arrogant head of the largest organized crime gang in the Southeastern U.S. Raised on the streets of Atlanta until incarcerated as a teen for a carjacking, DeMarcus honed his skills at intimidation, manipulation, and violence. With an inherent disregard for human lives in general, his cruel treatment of white women is legendary. DeMarcus will not tolerate disrespect from anyone, least of all some rich white dude and a foreign white bitch.

Sean and Amanda strive to become partners in love and partners in business, as they also become partners in protecting themselves, Sean’s business empire, and the young girls from the forces aligned against them. Determining who their enemies are while merging their resources and forging new alliances tests their growing love, their spiritual faith, and their very survival.

Sean is extremely good at visiting death on his enemies and making it look like an accident. Amanda is an expert at teasing, taunting, and manipulating her competitors into collapse. Each uses their unique talents to jointly destroy those who would align against them. The climactic rescue of Amanda from the clutches of DeMarcus Steele finally proves to him how badly he had underestimated Sean and Amanda, showing him the life-long price that he will be paying for doing so. As the last gang leader succumbs to his fate, Sean and Amanda begin their future as genuine husband and wife, reigning over a global empire of their own making.


