February 17, 2020 Monday

 LIVE: How To Work With A Poetry Editor  
#AskALLi Self-Publishing Poetry Salon.

The editing process is as essential for poets as for all writers. - So what kind of editor do you need as a poet? - Does the usual trio of developmental editing, copyediting and proofing apply or is it different? - How do you find a good poetry editor? - How can one help you? - Can a group of skilled poets take an editor’s place? This week’s AskALLi session with Orna Ross and Dalma Szentpály will show you how to work with a poetry editor and how to find the editing process that’s right for you. TUNE IN: 7pm GMT, 11am PST, 2pm EST, 11.30pm IST, 4am (next day) AEST.
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